
Sunday 20 July 2014

Google's not bringing its super-fast fiber internet to the UK anytime soon

Doesn't look like Google is coming over the pond to challenege the main ISP's anytime soon.

To be fair it wouldn't be easy without a partnership anyway as the market over here is extremely competitive and heavily regulated.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Rasberry Pi gets a useful update.

Same processor and RAM but vastly improved power management, two more USB ports and a micro sd card slot.

Sunday 13 July 2014

LibreSSL crypto library leaps from OpenBSD to Linux, OS X

Snipped the good bits fro The Reg. Link at the bottom:

The OpenBSD project has released the first portable version of LibreSSL, the team's OpenSSL fork – meaning it can be built for operating systems other than OpenBSD.

The LibreSSL project, which aims to clean up the buggy and inscrutable OpenSSL code, was founded about two months ago by a group of OpenBSD developers, so it only makes sense that getting it running on that OS would be their priority.


The LibreSSL developers have also worked to get OpenSSL's unorthodox and inconsistent source code into "kernel normal form" (KNF), a standard C coding style used by the OpenBSD project.

In addition, although the goal of the LibreSSL project is to create a secure, drop-in replacement for OpenSSL, the developers have also tried to undo some of the OpenSSL developers' more ill-advised design decisions.

For example, the OpenSSL library relies on a quirky custom memory-management layer that behaves in strange ways, which makes it impossible to audit the code with tools designed to flag memory management problems. The LibreSSL team has been replacing this code with new routines that use memory allocation routines from the standard C library, making it far easier to spot bugs.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Getting a Logitech G510's Windows key to work as the command key on OSX

So the G510 has a joystick stick on the upper row of the keyboard next to mute and MR button. If this is on the Logitech Gaming software doesn't detect the Command key when you try to detect the button.

Click the plus sign next to the word 'Command', detect it and add it to your keystrokes list. Its also worth saving it to a separate profile if you switch between PC's a fair bit.